Sunday, May 26, 2013

I'm going to sleep in one of your old shirts tonight

Because I miss you and because I can.

Maybe I'll have dreams of us together again in your apartment, doing absolutely nothing together, but still having it mean everything.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I can feel myself getting bad again.

There's something about summer, that makes everything worse.  I see all these girls with long, thin legs, and I am filled with envy.  I thought I was getting better, but now that is shot to all hell.

Problems with writing

  • Having a beginning
  • Having an ending
And most importantly:

Monday, May 20, 2013


As I walked down the steps
I saw that the evening was
Not quite over

The tears coursed down her cheeks—
Not freely, however, for when
They came into contact with her
Heavily beaded eyelashes
They assumed an inky color,
And pursued the rest of their way
In slow black rivulets

Under the dripping,
Bare lilac trees
She stood, smeared with tears

We slipped briskly into an intimacy
From which we both never recovered
Through gasping, broken sobs
In a chocking murmur, she said
“I like large parties, they’re so intimate.
At small parties you never get
Any privacy.”

I was scared, I can tell you;
I’d never seen a girl like that before.
I almost made a mistake
And left her under the dripping,
Bare lilac trees
But I stayed

I was curious for the inky stains
On her delicate face
I was intrigued by her
Low, thrilling voice

My curiosity must have been visible
Because a ghostly laughter escaped her lips
Her face was sad, but lovely
With bright things in it,
Bright eyes and an excitement in her voice
That I still find hard to forget

Five years later, under blossomed lilac trees
The day was broiling, certainly the warmest
Of the summer
I handed her a band of dull gold
Promising my unwavering devotion

The tears coursed down her cheeks—
Not freely, however, for when
They came into contact with her
Heavily beaded eyelashes
They assumed an inky color,
And pursued the rest of their way
In slow black rivulets

Twinkle-bells of sunshine
Illuminated her face
No traces of sadness, just loveliness
Her bright eyes and bright,
Passionate mouth, the excitement in her voice
I still find hard to forget

I do not know, even to this day
Of the exact reason
Why she was crying
Under the bare, dripping lilac trees
But I do know that
It had not been merely the stars
To which I had aspired on that night


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Today a girl looked me in the eyes and said "I wish I had anorexia."

It honestly took all of my self control to not punch her.  I know she's an ignorant fool, but I was angry.  Not so much at her, but at the media and how some parts of our society glorify eating disorders, specifically ana. Anorexia is horrible.  You hate yourself, and you always will hate yourself if ana comes into yourlife.  Ana is a not friend.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Second Place Just Means First Place Loser

He chose her over me
And I think I've finally
Let that thought go
I hope he's happy with her
And I hope that she breaks
His heart

So there's this boy, and he's a sweetheart and goes to church and listens to good music (so I can make him mixtapes and he'll actually appreciate them) and he's such a dork but I like him and I think he likes me and we met in such a not so conventional way, but I sure am glad we did.  That is all.