Saturday, March 30, 2013

We Fell In Love In The Key of E Flat

Eighty Eight keys
Ebony on ivory
Just me, you
And a Steinway Grand

It was only the three of us in that room
You tried to play a song for me
We all knew you were no pianist
But me and the twisted melody laughed together, out of tune

We sat so close, noses touching
Stolen kisses & elbows brushing
That piano holds our secrets
Our whispered words and promises

But even the sustain pedal
Can only hold a note for so long
And like your broken sonatas
We had an expiration date

I see you now and want to ask
Do you remember us?  Do you remember that night?
When you held my hand
And it made me realize

It didn’t matter that we weren’t a perfect chord
You were mine and I was yours
But it was too late-
Our song had already faded fest.

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