Wednesday, April 3, 2013


It was when you would hold my hand while driving
It was when you would let me have your apple juice
It was when you would look at pictures of kittens with me
It was when you would tell me about your favorite books
It was when you would come kidnap me from real life
It was when you would spend all day doing nothing with me

Those were the times I realized I loved you
I loved you, I loved you, I loved you like no one else before
We had such unconventional love
But it meant something
At least to me it did
I’m sorry that it went away

I hope you’ll meet someone someday
Who will love how you hold their hand while driving
And you’ll let them have your apple juice
Someone you’ll show pictures of kittens
Who you’ll read your favorite books to
Someone who you’ll kidnap to come spend all day with you

I hope you meet someone someday
Who loves you as much as I did


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