Monday, April 1, 2013

Newport Lights

Fast drag of tobacco
Hot tar filling my healthy lungs
Nestling into my alveoli
Damaging my youthful respiratory system
Poisonous smoke exhaled
The cloudy haze looks identical
To breath against chilly winter air

This isn’t an addiction
I don’t need nicotine running through my veins
I’m not even a big fan of the taste or smell
The last time I sucked on cancer sticks
Was six months ago
In the warm summer heat
Almost an entire pack in just a couple of hours
First and last day of being a smoker

Except today I went to the Smoking Corner
Right outside of my school
Bummed a cig off of a kid sure to drop out
As soon as he can
Borrowed his lighter
And inhaled disgusting soot
Just to feel the burn in my lungs
To remind me that I’m alive


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