Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Writing Process

  1. Form idea in head right before you fall asleep
  2. Only remember a fraction of it when you wake up
  3. Write three pages
  4. Realize it's complete shit
  5. Delete all of it
  6. Cry

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Soft Effects of a Nyquil Overdose

Thump thump thUmp thuMP tHUMP  THUMP
Right against my chest
Right out of my chest
T h u m p.  T h u m p.  T h u m p.
My hands are tingly
And my limbs as heavy
As my eyelids
I can’t tell what is reality
And what isn’t
All I know is
That I want to go to bed

lol no who am I kidding I can't do this
oh my gosh, I might actually get this book done on time.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Solitude and Loneliness

Solitude is reading your favorite book
Or walking through a park
Solitude is looking out of a train window
With your headphones on

But loneliness is when you realize
You have no one to tell about
The ending of that book
Or the birds you saw on that walk

Loneliness is when no one is sitting next to you
On that train


Sophomore Year

Everyone is so concerned
How to do trigonometry
Or what ionic bonding is
But all I want to learn
Is how to not hate myself


Saturday, April 20, 2013


I want to take all those tiny pills
But if I don’t wake up
I’ll kill everyone else


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The problem with taking sleeping pills during the day is that you then can't sleep at night.


And I can feel my monster
Pulling me back down
I can hear his words telling me the brutal truths
That I’ve been trying to avoid

I’ve scarred up my hips
But this time it won’t be enough
My monster is telling me
To go through this time on
What I’ve been too scared to do


A semicolon is used in a sentence that could have ended; but didn't.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Here is a list of people I'm attracted to

  • Straight girls
  • Boys who have girlfriends
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of ‘disaster,’ I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers - so many caring people in this world.”

-Mr. Rogers

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Read this today and thought it was fantastic.

"Here’s a test:
I’m holding a baby in one hand and a petri dish holding a fetus in the other.
I’m going to drop one. You chose which.
If you really truly believe a fetus is the same thing as a baby, it should be impossible for you to decide. You should have to flip a coin, that’s how impossible the decision should be.
Shot in the dark, you saved the baby.
Because you’re aware there’s a difference.
Now admit it"

Friday, April 12, 2013

Summer of Like.

"Baby you were my picket fence
I miss missing you now and then
Chlorine kissed summer skin
I miss missing you now and then"
Just, holy shit.  I really did love you and you really did love me.  It's taken me about ten months (but who's counting...) to get that through my head, but you really did love me.  You loved my stupid quirks and my thighs and my lame jokes and all of my tangled hair.  You loved me.  You loved all of me and what we had together was so messed up but it was beautiful too.  It shouldn't have happened.  You and I were never meant to be together, but somehow it happened.  Looking back, I'm glad it did.  I'm glad I fell in love with you.  I'm glad you fell in love with me too.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

source ( x )

Mental Health Day.

I woke up this morning around 5:20 with a killer headache, went downstairs to take some pills for it, and my Mom told me to stay home from school.  I went back to sleep and woke up again around 6:30 without a headache and in all honesty I could have gone to school.  Instead, I decided to take a mental health day since I've been feeling really down on myself lately.  So far it's been a nice morning.  I'm home alone, which is always wonderful, and I just finished doing yoga, so I feel great.  I plan to get a lot of writing for my book done, hopefully today will be a productive day.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Over the last 16 years of my life all I can tell you is that every relationship begins and ends with stalking.

My anxieties have anxieties.

Panic Attacks.

They've honestly been getting worse, and I don't have a reason why.  Yesterday in English class, I had one for no apparent reason at all.  Nothing triggered me.  Nothing bad happened.  I just all of a sudden felt my heart slamming against my rib cage and I couldn't breath.  My lungs decided to stop working and my body was literally shutting down.  My brain flooded with all the ugly thoughts I try to keep at bay.  The episode lasted about ten minutes.  I sat at my desk quietly and I remember counting the flecks on the linoleum tiles to try and calm down.

I miss missing you now and then.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Swing Sets

Never had one in my yard when I was kid
But I’ve got one now
It can bring me to the highest highs
And drop me down to the lowest lows
I’ve got a swing set now
But it’s in my mind


Monday, April 8, 2013

"You are what you love, not who loves you"

The new Fall Out Boy album getting leaked has literally made my month.

God bless those beautifully talented boys.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Third Floor Apartment

Remember when you held me so close
Whispered you loved me
And kissed me until sunrise

Remember when I had you laughing
At the dumbest jokes
And captured your smile with my own

Remember when I was your moon and stars
When your fingers laced with mine
And everything was right in our little world

Remember when you made all those beautiful promises
Spun me tales of our own happy endings
And I believed every syllable

Remember when I thought
That me and you would always be a we
And you thought so too?


These are a few of my favorite things

All I really wanted for my birthday was a stupid text from you, letting me know that you didn't forget, to be honest.

Happy Birthday

Wax from the candles drips on my cake
I blow them out and wish silently
That this will be the last time
I have to do this
They all clapped unaware
That I’ll always be sweet sixteen


Friday, April 5, 2013

All caught up!

Well, I'm all caught up in publishing my old poems on here.  Now any that are published on here will have been written in the present, not the past.

Sixth Cup of Coffee

I had you memorized
Like the favorite verse
Of my once favorite poem

I had you memorized
I once knew every contour of your body
Every angle of your face

I had you memorized
I was fluent in your quirks
You used to be my favorite verse


Don't Forget

I grabbed your hand first

But you were the first

To say that you were in love
I might have kissed you first
But you were the first

To walk away


Sunshine, You Were My Only Sunshine

My skies a grey



I don’t have friends anymore
My hair is brittle
Just like my nails

I cringe when I look in mirrors
I can’t stand putting on my jeans
I don’t know when I’ll be satisfied

My eyes are dead and dull
My laugh is forced and faltering
I’m empty as this bottle of pills

But it’s all insignificant



I want to run so far away
Run away from everything
I want the wind to take me
Somewhere far away from here
I want to go where no one knows me
I want to be as invisible as I feel
Please get me out of this town
Please get me out of this mind
Please get me out of this body
I want to run away
And I don’t want a single person
To chase after me


Valentine's Day

Lined white paper
I carried it around in my pocket
All day
Just in case you wanted to talk to me
I kept checking to make sure it was there
Just in case you decided to smile at me today

She's got a flower
Just as pretty as her
I watched you chase after her
Like you always wanted to
I watched her smile at you
Like I used to

Crumpled white lined paper
Song lyrics that reminded me of you scribbled on it
I take it out of my pocket
And shove it in a desk drawer
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with it now



She smells like winter and stale cigarettes
She’s got this smile that makes me melt
I could so easily tangle myself up in her hair
I want to hold her hand every second of every day

I’m slow dancing with some boy
He’s got his hands on my waist
My head is on his shoulder
The entire time I’m watching her dance

He has real pretty blue eyes
Any girl would be lucky to have him
But not me
I don’t want him

I only want her


Static Noise

I would love to have you scream
I would love for you to scold me
Tell me all I’ve done wrong

I want to see anger fill your eyes
I want you to spit in my face
Tell me that it’s all my fault

I need you to say something
I need you to say anything
Tell me how horrible I am

I don’t care
Anything and everything
Would be better than this silence


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Oh, Wow

Wide eyes
Amazed by the smallest things
What I’d give to be wonderstruck
By the simplest things
What I’d give to not have this constant racket
Inside of my brain



Take a cue from nature
Pick daffodils
Sing with the birds
Dance in empty fields
Run in the rain
Listen to the crickets at night
Tune out all of the material possessions
That humans have composed themselves of
And you’ll hear what happiness is
You’ll see the majesty in creation



You tell lame jokes
Your teeth are crooked
You need a haircut
You have an ugly laugh
You’re clinically insane
You don’t have friends
You like to stay inside all day
You have no confidence
You’re incredibly irritating
I don’t like me
That’s what makes it so easy
To understand
Why you don’t either


Just Friends

I don’t smile anymore
So don’t you tell me
That we can just be friends


Depression Can Be Romantic In a Certain Sense

My world isn’t black and white
It’s all just gray
Fifty shades of it
See, I might be depressed
But I can still make jokes

You can still smile when you’re hurting
You can still laugh when you’re empty

I’m swimming in this ocean of gray
Colorless as an old film
The only Technicolor in my life
Is the crimson splash
On porcelain



I can’t keep this up
I can’t keep this up
I can’t
I’m can’t do this, I’m f
                                                             Apart, ripping at the seams
                                                             You were the stitches holding together my scars
                                                             But I’m coming apart
                                                             And my sutures are nowhere to be found


Scott, Again

I’m sorry I couldn’t be
A better me for you

I’m still a frazzled mess
I understand why you left

I’m even worse these days
I’m just as neurotic, if not more

I’m sorry I couldn’t be
A better me for you

My best wasn’t good enough
Not enough to make you stay

I’m sorry


I'm Just Kind of Putting Words on Paper

I’m not a poet
My words have no rhythm-
They have no flow
My verses aren’t a cadence-
There isn’t any meter

I can’t rhyme
My metaphors are stupid-
My similes are lame
There’s isn’t any pattern-
I don’t have a formula

I’m constantly stumbling over words
Trying to make them sound okay
They never do
I can’t write poems
I am no poet



She’s such a pretty girl
Tall and thin, long blonde hair
I’m so lucky to be her friend
Ana is a real beauty
She’s got real big blue eyes
And nice long legs
I wish I could look like Ana
Ana is so pretty
But I rarely see her smile
I’ve been spending more time with her
She says I can be just as beautiful as her
I hope she’s right
Ana is my best friend
I can’t borrow her clothes yet though
They’re too small for me
But she promised they’ll fit soon
I hope she’s right
I want to look just like Ana


Empty Field

Blanket of cold snow
You walked in front of me
So I could walk in your footprints
You’re gone now
Whose footprints am I going to follow?


Deeper Down

My joints are swollen and red
Arthritis has manifested my hands and wrists
I can barely hold a pen
I’m in so much pain

The lightest touch makes me scream
I’m so sensitive to everything
Even the light hurts my delicate body
I’m hurting more and more each day

My stomach is churning
Full of nausea and acid
I can’t keep any food down
I’m wasting away

But none of this is as bad as
The hole you left in my heart
As much as my own body kills me
It doesn’t compare to how much you do 


Word of Honor

One day I’ll be okay
I’ll be able to see you
And not feel like my insides
Are going to become outsides

One day I’ll be able
To smile a genuine smile
I’ll be able to talk about you
And not stain my face with tears

One day I’ll do all the things
I’ve lost the ability to do
Since you vacated out of my life
But today is not that day


First Day

Today was the first day
Where I didn’t talk to you
Not a single word uttered
I don’t think we even
Exchanged glances
There are so many things
I wanted to say to you
But I didn’t know how
I don’t know if you’d even care

I've come across all the poems from when me and Scott broke up ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha hahahaha

Just Give Me Some Time

Tick tick tick
Seconds on minutes on hours on days
How long am I supposed to wait?
What am I?
A porcelain doll that you can keep
Tucked away in your closet
Until you decide you want to play with me again?
You can’t just throw me away
Tock tock tock


I Thought You Knew

I thought you knew what
You were getting yourself into
Thought you were okay with it
You knew I wasn’t completely okay

I thought you knew
All of these things
Maybe you did
Maybe that’s why you left


Skinny Legs

She’s everything I want to be
Everything that I’m not
She’s so funny
I always see you laughing at her jokes

She’s so pretty too
I can understand why you like her
Who wouldn’t like her?
She’s so beautiful

She’s not broken, she’s not damaged goods
She’ll treat you right
She’s not miserable all the time
She’s so perfect


Silver Ribbon

All these love poems I wrote about you
Are making me sick
Looking back
It’s really quite comical
I’m laughing
Laughing like a mad man
I can’t believe
That I believed
That you were different
I’ll forget the sound of your laugh
I won’t be able to recall what shade
Of blue your eyes are
All I’ll have are those silly
Love poems
That I wrote about you
I’m going to look back at them
And laugh and laugh and laugh


I Just Don't Feel the Same Way

26 days ago you said you loved me
What changed in those 26 days?
What did I do wrong?
Tell me how I can improve.
If you can fall out of love with me in 26 days
Can you fall back in love with me in another 26?



I felt so safe in your arms
I could open up to you so easily
Didn’t you realize?
Broken people don’t do that
With just anyone.
You got to explore
Some of the darkest corners
Of my mind
But just like everyone else
You left
I’m sorry
I’m sorry
I’m sorry
What can I do to make you stay?



It’s getting worse
They’re poking me with needles
It doesn’t help me one bit

All I’ve been smelling is sterile
This hospital is spick and span clean
But that doesn’t help me one bit

My wrists hurt me now too
Take this pill!  Doctors encourage
They don’t help me one bit


May-December Romance

Certainly didn’t plan for this
Never thought I would get
Tangled up in the vines of
Lies lies lies lies lies lies lies
Never thought I would be
One of those girls
Guess plans change, huh?
Did you plan on this?
I don’t think you did.  Who does?
I’ve been spending January
Miss miss missing you
Maybe we’ll pick up where
We left off
This summertime around
Maybe I’ll make the same
Mistake again.



I’m sorry I can’t be
A better me for you

I am a frazzled mess
Why’d you pick me?

I’ll always be like this
I’ll always be neurotic

I’m sorry I can’t be
A better me for you

But I hope that my best
Will be good enough

For you.



I  get  to  stay  in  bed  all day
You say it’s nice,   surrounded
By warm blankets and pillows
Everyone says they need more
Sleep.   I’ve got sleep to spare
Days on end, in my dark room
All by myself,        no sunlight
To wash over my pale skin, no
Warm spring breeze in my hair
You  say  you  want to stay in
Bed all day.      You wouldn’t
Want   to   if   you   were  me.


Afternoon Nap

Tangled up in each other
Noses millimeters apart
My bare feet cozied up against yours

You fell asleep before me
You look so peaceful; I can’t wake you now

What a wonderful thing it is
To have your slow breath be the last thing I hear
Before I drift off into my own slumber

I love sleeping with you
In the most innocent sense



Please don’t ignore me
I need you to know
You are my last hope
Please don’t ignore me

I’m coming apart
You’re the solution
You make things alright
I’m coming apart

I am so alone
Please answer my calls
I want to end this
I am so alone

I cannot think straight
My thoughts are a blur
Ringing in my ears
I cannot think straight

You’ve brushed off my plea
All I ask of you
Please remember me
You’ve brushed off my plea

I will miss you most
You said you’d save me
You didn’t come, but
I will miss you most


Sunday Best

I’ll put on my pearls
You’ll put on your tie
Off to church we go
Maybe we’ll get brunch
I like the future
But only a future
That’s with you
